Mental Strength Quotes


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014




“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”

and 2 of my favorite Japanese proverbs.

”He who strongly desires to rise up will think of a way to build a ladder.”

“If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.”
ok maybe not the last one cause stealing babies is kindofa dick move.
"They didn't call it personal development back in the day. They called it "personal success". Only in the last 40 or 50 years has it morphed/pivoted into development.

And Why? Cause you can measure "success" but can't measure "development".

"But you can develop into be a better person."

Well that's a load of cock. I'm not interested in being a better fucking person. Give me the fucking money and I'll be better at something at whatever the fuck I want to be.

There is a big difference in being a better person and personal development and personal success.

It's meandered into the line of least resistance.

Cause who can judge whether you are a better person? Nobody.

It's an amorphous.

It's a load of cock." - Dan Peña
Dan Peña: "3 or 4 of you have asked me about 'Tips'. That's hilarious to me. 'Do you have any tips?'

I mean are you retarded? [..] Where does that word come from - 'Tips'? What's it mean?"

Student: "Easy way out"

Dan Peña: "Yes! There are no motherfucker shortcuts YouTube retards! You take the hill by charging up and taking casualties. Collateral damage. In your particular case it's all emotional. Very seldom physical.

'Tips'... Fuck. That's hilarious to me.

It's like asking a Navy seal, "Uh, you got any tips on how we are going to take this fucking bunker?" I mean Jesus. "Got any tips"?

Or for the guys that fought Mike Tyson, "You got any tips on how to fight Mike?"

Cause you want the easy way."

"Another thing i said this yesterday, just because you haven't done it, just because you've never been around somebody that hasn't done it, and just because you've never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Because absence of evidence is not evidence of their absence.

I'm going to say some things that are real foreign to you. Some things that you've been taught by your parents, your grandparents, in school - and basically all that is crap [..]

The high performance people that I will continue to allude to all day long live in a different world than you. They came from the same world as you did, but they live in a different world - they think differently."​

"Can you elaborate on your way of closing, when to pound the prospect."

"I'm a hammer closer. Bruce Whipple is a finesse closer. With the greatest respect I live in a castle and he lives in a log cabin. You figure it out yourself."​

"You've lived under the proposition that Logic is a logical process which leads to an incorrect conclusion.

You use logic to run your business. That's crap!


When John Kennedy said 'we're going put a man on the moon this decade. Land him safely and bring him back, all before the Russians.'

There was nothing logical about that. As we know it today we didn't have NASA. We didn't have a damn rocket that could take a 200 lbs payload off the ground. Ours weren't as good as scud missiles.

What happened? October something, 1969 we put a man on the moon. And that was a dodgy deal too cause they ran out of fuel and all kinds of other things happened.

Was that logical?

You think anything great in this country was based on logic?

They told Henry Ford 'we can't make a V8.' Old man Henry didn't understand it, he had about a 4th grade education. 'You're going to make a V8 or you ain't going to be here.' They come back a little later, 'we can't make a V8.' 'I'm tell you again...' They made a V8!

Just think if you ran your businesses, oh forget your businesses, if ran your life like that. As a requisite to run your life like that you'd better not be worried what your neighbors think."
We don't tell the kids there is a secret sauce. We don't tell them there is a shortcut. When you tell the average kid, that has never sold anything, you are only 2000 cold calls away from being a multi-millionaire, they say "oh... well I guess I don't want to do it that bad." OR "Do I have to work on the weekends?"

"Dont look back, you are not going that direction"
By - I have no idea, cant remember lol.
i have shared this before but..... some people need to hear it.
I have yet to see someone fail at what they love doing, just saying....

My pep talk jam session prior to every SEO campaing launch i do, LOLZ

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He definitely high lol. Seen it across one of my feeds and thought would share. Must be some good smoke, lolz.
