When I realize the homepage of my 9-5 is 2.4mb ... of which 1.2 are ONE gif that adds nothing but a VERY subtle effect to a navigation header. And neither the grafx guy nor the CEO want to change it.
Also realized I never answered my question:
Right now I am back at dreamhost (black friday deal) after switching hosts to one shitty thing after another.
On a dedicated VPS, even on it's own individual IP address. Shit should be fast.
Thanks for noticing to, by the way, everyone else seems to have completely ignored the fact that such a large page loads so quick. Ahh, fuck em anyway.
Entering the ring. This is a Wordpress site. Pretty minimal homepage at the moment ( in the middle of a redesign ). It's bound to go up from here though. :thumbsup:
Just in case someone is out there making noise like they took the crown or something:
^^ The 100/100 went to 96/100 cause Pingdom changed some rule, now 'Serve static content from a cookieless domain' is a more serious performance hit within their metrics, other wise everything else is still the same. Obviously if you change the rules of a game.. you know kind of messes up the game, but I guess they're trying to give some of my competitors hope:
And SERPWoo.com just to show I'm still not slipping...
This is more typical homegrown dynamic niche site...
These haven't been tweaked, lossless, css combining, js compression etc.
These are client sites that more than doubled in visitors, page views and revenue by bringing them to these modest levels. The Auto Dealer even doubled monthly volume in a few months as a result of being the best mobile site in the region. Needless to say they pay on time.
I was messing around with http2 (thanks to @Hercules' HTTP vs HTTPS thread), HSTS and connection credential caching and wow... (ontop of that I did increase the weight of the pages by 5 new requests - that extra 9 ms is that IMO):