What are you listening to?

I recently saw on Netflix the movie 'Before I Fall'(2017) and I really like the soundtrack : )
Not dead, far from it. Been building some next level tech, stay tuned:
One of the smoothest beats I've ever heard and Riff Raff makes some semblance of sense.
Been doing my landing pages to this song on repeat. Too good.
This song helped me through rough times in life! Rest Well DMX

Sometimes the classics are just magical.

Crank this one past 11, close your eyes, and just breathe


Been loving the new turnstile record “glow on”. Great rock band. Wild shows.

I seen it, I thought it, I dreamed it
I said it, I did it, I meant it
I taste it, I love it, I need it
I Want it, More of it, I fiend it

the "it" ..................................... Yes.
my jam for seo before i set foot on the field: Lets GO!!!!!

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